Dagens program til din træning
10 x Elbow rotations
10 x Torso twist
10 x Tempo Deadlift (3 sec down)
5 x Hip power clean
5 x Hang power clean
5 x Front squat
5 x Tempo Strict press (3 sec down)
3 x Push press
3 x Push jerk (1 sec pause in catch)
a) Push press, push jerk & Split jerk
E2MOM 12
1 x Push press + 2 x Push jerk + 2 x Split jerk
b) Clean & Jerk
5 sets of 1 x pause power clean (2 sec pause at knees and 2 sec pause in hips)
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Then with 60-65%:
5 x TNG Clean & Push jerk
c) Pistol Squats
Two versions depending on your level. Then an EMOM for everyone.
Version 1 - 3 rounds of:
6+6 x Box pistol squats (6 reps each leg)
6+6 x Pistol squat with (light) plate
Comment: For both exercises, get down as deep as possible. For the Box pistol squats, push against the floor to get up.
Version 2 (RX) - 3 rounds of:
6+6 x Tempo Box pistol squats (6 reps each leg w. 4 sec down)
4 x Alternating Dragon Pistol squat
1: 50-70 Single unders/Double unders
2: 10-16 Pistol squat on a bench/ Pistol squats
d) WOD
ME burpees over bar
Rest 3 min
Bench press
ME cal Assault bike
Comment: The weight increases every set. Begin with a RIR 4 on the first 5 reps. Then increase the weight every set. Make a plan before you start - you only get 30 sec rest between rounds.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets. You can’t drop the weight between reps.