Dagens program til din træning
8 x Bear rolls
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks
8 x Cossack squat
10 x Elbow rotations
6 x Muscle clean
8 x Good morning
6 x Thrusters
E2MOM 10
2 x Power clean + 1 x Squat clean + 2 x front squat
Then with 90-100 % of the weight
3 sets of 4 pause front squat (pause for 3 sec in bottom position)
Rest 2 min between sets
80 Single unders/40 Double unders
25 Air squats
20 Push ups
15 Toes to bar
10 Reaction drill
Rest 1 min
80 Single unders/40 Double unders
25 Air squats
20 Push ups
15 Toes to bar
Rest 1 min
80 Single unders/40 Double unders
25 Air squats
20 Push ups
Total time: 20 min
2-3 rounds
5-10 x Pike push ups / Parallette pike push ups
10-30 sec L-sit hold in parallette (bent or extended legs)
Rest as needed between rounds
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 5 sets. Focus on good technique rather than heavy weight