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MuscleFit Program er et træningsprogram lavet af erfarne trænere med baggrund inden for træning og sundhed. Programmet fokuserer på styrke, vægtløftning, gymnastik og konditionstræning.
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Dagens program til din træning

Uge 3 Træning 1

Odense Crossfit Træninigsprogram Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up


10 x Elbow rotations 
6 x Deadlift
6 x Muscle clean
6 x Front squats
6 x Strict press

A) Squat Clean

Build to a heavy 2 rep of Squat clean

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 5-7 sets until you have reached a heavy 2 reps. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).

Then with 75-80% of the weight

10 sets of: 1 x Squat clean every 30 sec

Comment: Go every 30 sec and do 1 Squat clean. 5 min total.

B) Strict press + Strict handstand push up

5 sets of: 5 strict press + ME pike HSPU / Strict HSPU

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Do 5 strict presses and then go immediately to the ME (max effort) pike HSPU / strict HSPU. Try challenging yourself by doing Strict HSPU with ab mat(s) under your head. If possible do the Strict HSPU on level.
RIR 4 on Strict press. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 4 more reps before failure).


E2MOM until failure

5 HR push up/ HSPU
5 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
5 Goblet squat @16/24 Intermediate: @20/28 RX: @24/32

7 HR push up/HSPU
7 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
7 Goblet squat @16/20 Intermediate: @20/24 RX: @24/28

9 HR push up/HSPU
9 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
9 Goblet squat @16/20 Intermediate: @20/24 RX: @24/28

When failure rest for 2 min and then complete:
For time:

Burpees to target
KB swings @16/20 Intermediate: @20/24 RX: @24/28

Comment: Continue to increase with 2 reps until you can’t complete the three exercises in a 2 min time period. Choose only HSPU if you are able to do 10 unbroken HSPU. If not, do HR. push ups instead.
When you fail in the first part, rest for 2 min and then do the next part as fast as possible.

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