Dagens program til din træning
8 x Bear rolls
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks
8 x Cossack squat
10 x Elbow rotations
6 x Muscle clean
8 x Good morning
6 x Thrusters
5 sets of: 2 x TNG Power Clean + 1 x TNG squat Clean
Rest as needed
Then with the same weight:
2 x Power Clean
Comment: The weight can be dropped between reps.
Rest 2 min between sets
Comment: Go straight from front squat to back squat.
RIR 2 on the front squat. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).
Do 1 set of 2 front squat + max reps back squat
Comment: Use the same weight in the fifth set and do 2 reps front squat and then
max reps back squat.
4 rounds - For Time
10/13 Cal assault bike
6 Squat cleans @30/45 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @45/65
10/13 Cal assault bike
4 Shoulders to overhead
10/13 Cal assault bike
2 Clusters
TC: 20
Alternating V-ups
Hollow rock
Weighted Ab-mat sit ups (DB on chest)
Comment: In the first round do 12 reps of each exercise, rest for 1 min and in the next round do 10 reps of each exercise. etc.
1 min rest after the two first rounds. 30 sec rest after the second two rounds, and 15 sec rest between the last two rounds.
Comment: TNG= touch and go. Let the barbell touch the ground and go immediately to the next lift. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 5 sets.