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MuscleFit Program er et træningsprogram lavet af erfarne trænere med baggrund inden for træning og sundhed. Programmet fokuserer på styrke, vægtløftning, gymnastik og konditionstræning.
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Dagens program til din træning

Uge 2 Træning 4

Odense Crossfit Træninigsprogram Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

With a stick

10 x Dislocations

With a Kettlebell

8 + 8 x Kettlebell Halo 
8 x Jefferson curl

A) Bench press

Build to a heavy set of 4 reps of bench press

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached a heavy 4 reps. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 reps before failure).

Bench press dropset

3 sets of max reps at about 75 - 60 - 50 % of the weight from before

Comment: Start at 75 % of the weight from before and do 3 dropsets where the weight drops. Change the weight and go without breaks. Optimally you have a spotter that changes the weight for you.

b) Sumo deadlift

4 sets of 8 reps

1-2 min rest between sets.

Comment: RIR of 2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).

c) 10 min on toes to rings

Spend 10 min on practicing toes to rings.

5-10 Kip swings in ring (do a small kip from hollow to arch)
5-10 Kip only in the shoulders (keep your torso tight and with your shoulders pull the rings against the floor)
5-10 Kip swings to horizontal (so your legs are horizontal)
5-10 Toes to rings (try to get your feet all the way up to the rings)

Comment: When you are doing your toes to rings, try to keep your body/torso tight both in your hollow and arch. Pull actively back into your kip.


15 rounds: 20 sec on / 40 sec off
  1. Knee raises in rings / Knees to elbow / Toes to rings
  2. BB clusters @20/35 Intermediate: @30/40 RX: @35/50
  3. Assault bike
  4. BB Shoulders to overhead @20/35 Intermediate: @30/40 RX: @35/50
  5. Wall balls 14/10 lbs

Go hard! Only 20 sec work at a time.

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