Dagens program til din træning
10 x Hip switch
10 x Supine scorpion
5 x Cobra to downward dog
5 x BB jefferson curl
5 x Muscle clean
5 x Power clean
5 x Front squat
5 x Strict press
A) Clean Complex from block
E2MOM 10
1 x Squat Clean + 1 x Power Clean
Then with the same weight
1: 1 x Squat Clean
2: 1 x Power Clean
Comment: From block.
b) Kipping Handstand push ups
1 set of max reps Kipping handstand push ups
Comment: Do some warm up before your max attempt. Go on level with your hands or use an ab-mat under your head if you are challenged.
4 sets of: 4-6 reps negative tempo handstand push ups (4 sec down)
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: Only the way down. Kick up and go 4 sec down.
c) WOD
6 x 2 min on/1 min off
4 Shuttle runs
8 Cal Bike Erg
4 KB Clean & Jerk @12/16 Intermediate: @16/24
6 Ring Rows
Comment: Alternate between A and B. 3 times on each.
d) Accessory
4 Rounds
40 meter double KB front rack walk
12 (Weighted) GHD sit ups
Rest as needed
Comment: From Block. Use blocks, pads or plates so that the barbell is at knee level. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the sets.