hvem er vi?
MuscleFit Program er et træningsprogram lavet af erfarne trænere med baggrund inden for træning og sundhed. Programmet fokuserer på styrke, vægtløftning, gymnastik og konditionstræning.
vores some


Dagens program til din træning

Uge 4 Træning 3

Odense Crossfit Træninigsprogram Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 Rounds of:

10 x Cat & cow
10 x Banded Goodmornings
10 x Banded face pulls 
10 x Single arm banded upright row (each arm)

3 Rounds of:

10 cal Assault bike (moderate pace)
8 Deadlift (light weight)

A) Deadlift

Build to a heavy 2 reps of Deadlift

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 5-7 sets until you have reached a heavy 2 reps. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).


1: 1 rep with 95 % of the weight
2: 2 reps with 80 %
3: 3 reps with 70 %

b) Chin ups

4 sets of 5 reps Chin ups

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Add weight if possible or use a band if needed

c) WOD

For time

2000/2600 m bike
50 DB squats @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @15/22,5
40 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
30 DB snatch
20 Burpee box jumps
6 Wall walks
2000/2600 m bike

TC: 24

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