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MuscleFit Program er et træningsprogram lavet af erfarne trænere med baggrund inden for træning og sundhed. Programmet fokuserer på styrke, vægtløftning, gymnastik og konditionstræning.
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Dagens program til din træning

Uge 3 Træning 2

Odense Crossfit Træninigsprogram Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 min moderate tempo on assault bike

Then 3 Rounds

5 x OH Wall Squat (4 sec down)
5+5 x Single Leg Glute Bridge 
4 x Walkout with hip stretch 
8 x Reverse lunges
5 x Thrusters w empty barbell

A) Front Squat

Build to heavy 3 reps of Front Squats

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached heavy 3 reps. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).

Then with the same weight

3 sets of 1 rep Front Squat

Rest 2 min between sets

b) Kipping Pull ups

2 Rounds

4 x Jump to hollow
4 x Jump to hollow + kip swing

Rest as needed

5-12 Kipping Pull ups w. focus to get your chest as close to the bar as possible

Rest as needed between reps

For Time and in as few sets as possible

Scaled: 20 Kipping pull ups (use a band if challenged)
Intermediate: 30 kipping Pull ups

Comments: Try to do as few sets as possible

c) Jerk Complex

5 sets of: 3 x Power Jerks + 1 x Split Jerk w. 2 sec in dip

Rest as needed between sets

Comment: Pause for 2 sec in your dip before you do the split. Build up in weight over the 5 sets.

d) WOD

AMRAP 16 | 4-6-8-10-12….

Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
Power Snatch @20/30 Intermediate: @25/35
OH Squats
Bar facing burpees

*After each round: 200 meter run

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