Dagens program til din træning
10 x Disolations with stick
10 x Supine scorpion
10 x Kneeling circles on wall (each side)
10 x Banded Face pulls
5 x Clean deadlift
5 x Hang muscle clean
5 x Power clean to Front squat
5 x Power jerk
5 x Split jerk w. 3 sec pause in catch
A) Clean & Jerk Complex
E2MOM 12
2 x Hang Power Clean + 1 x Power Jerk
Then with 90% of the weight
3 sets of 4 reps Power Clean & Power Jerk
Rest as needed between sets
Comment: Do the 4 reps as fast as possible with drop and go.
b) 1 arm row
5 sets of 5 reps one arm DB row
Rest 1-2 min between sets.
9 DB Snatch @15/22,5 Intermediate: @17,5/25
12 Double DB Cleans @2x15/22,5 Intermediate: @2x17,5/25
15 Box Jumps
Rest 3 min
6 Devils Press
9 Double DB Squat Cleans
12 Box Jumps overs
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the EMOM.