Dagens program til din træning
10 x Dislocation (with a stick)
10 x Scapula push ups
5 x Push ups in different positions (start wide and go into a close position)
10 x Mountain climber with rotation
5 x Jefferson curl (empty barbell)
10 x Strict press (empty barbell)
A) Clean
1 x Squat Clean
1 x Power Clean
Comment: Use the same weight in the EMOM (not necessarily the same weight as in the first EMOM)
b) Kipping Pull ups
3 rounds
5-10 x Kip swings
5+5 x Single leg box assisted kipping pull up
3-5 x Eccentric kipping pull ups
Rest as needed between
Comment: Remember to push yourself actively back into a hollow position.
5-10 x Kipping Pull ups
Comment: Use a band if you are challenged.
8 Double DB Devils press @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x12,5/17,5
10 Double DB Box Step overs
12/15 Cal Echo Bike
14 Wall Balls
3 Rounds
8-12 x Plank crunches in rings
15-20 sec L-sit hold on Parallettes
Rest as needed.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight in the EMOM.