Dagens program til din træning
1: Disolations with stick
2: 30+30 sec Wall squat with twist
3: Banded full T hip opener (left leg)
4: Banded full T hip opener (right leg)
5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch from hang
5 x Press from neck with snatch grip
10 x Overhead squats
5 sets of: 1 x Power snatch from block + 1 x Squat snatch from block + 1 x Power snatch from block
Rest 2 min between sets
b) Handstand push ups
1: 4-6 Negative HSPU (3 sec down)
2: 20-30 sec Hollow hold + 20-30 sec Arch hold
3: Rest
Comment: Kick back down between every rep. Don’t do a kipping Handstand push up.
80 Single unders/40 Double unders
18 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
15 Cal bike erg
12 Double DB OH lunges @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x12,5/20
3 rounds
12 Skull crushers
20 Banded triceps extension
Rest 1 min between rounds
Comment: Do both exercises before resting
Comment: Use blocks, pads or plates so that the barbell is at knee level. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the sets.