Dagens program til din træning
8 x Scorpion
10 x Reverse Scorpion
4 x Walkout with hip stretch
8 x Scapula push ups
4 x Jefferson curl w. rotation
10 x Elbow rotations
6 x Muscle clean
8 x Good morning
8 x Front rack reverse lunges
6 x Thrusters
6 sets of: 1 x Power clean + 1 x FR. lunge (L) + 1 x FR. lunge (R) + 1 x Jerk
Rest 1-2 min between sets
With 95-105 % of the weight
2 sets of: x Power clean
Rest 10 sec between reps.
Rest 2 min between the 2 sets.
B) Chin ups
5 sets of: 6-4-2-4-6 reps Chin ups
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: Use a band or add weight if possible
Comment: Do a big cross with the rope. You should feel like hugging yourself. This gives plenty of room for you to jump through.
20 Single crossovers
20 Air squats
10 Push ups
4 rounds for time
12 Box jump overs
8 Hand release push up/Handstand push up
12 DB step overs @2x12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @2x15/22,5
12 GHD sit ups
TC: 14
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build to a heavy complex over the 6 sets. FR. lunge=Front rack lunge. Do a lunge (step forward) with the left leg first and then the right leg.