Dagens program til din træning
10 x Dislocation (with a stick)
10 x Cat & Cow
10 x Hip thruster
10 x Ring rows
15 x Air squats
20 x Mountain climbers
8/10 cal Machine
30 Double DB thrusters @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x15/22,5 RX: @2x17,5/25
30 Ring rows/Pull ups
30 Hand release push ups/Handstand push ups
80 Single unders/40 Double unders
40 Double DB jerks
40 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
15 Double DB thrusters @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x15/22,5 RX: @2x17,5/25
15 Ring rows/Pull ups
15 Hand release push ups/Handstand push ups
40 Single unders/40 Double unders
20 Double DB jerks
20 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar