Dagens program til din træning
5+5 x Thoracic Rotation
10 x Dislocation (with a stick)
10 x Pull aparts
8 x Squat to stand
8 x Reverse lunges
5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch from hang
5 x Press from neck with snatch grip
10 x Overhead squats
A) Squat snatch (no feet)
6 sets of: 1 x Squat snatch (no feet)
Rest as needed
4 sets of 8 reps Barbell Bulgarian Split squat (each leg)
Rest 2-3 min between sets
c) Toes to bar
3 Rounds
5-10 Kipping leg raises
5-10 Banded toes to bar
Rest as needed
Banded toes to bar = Try to have as straight legs as possible and tension in your body all the time.
For time
50 Kipping leg raises/40 Toes to bar
*5 burpee box jumps every time you break
Comment: Get your toes as close to the bar as possible
d) WOD
Cal Bike erg
OH squats @25/35 Intermediate: @30/45
Ring rows/Pull ups
TC: 16
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets. Your heels can come off the ground but your feet should not move.