Today's program for your training
10 x Dislocations
10 x OH squat
10 x Sotts press
5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Hip power snatch
5 x OH squat
A) Power Snatch
E2MOM 10
1 x Snatch pull + 2 x Hang power snatch + 1 x Overhead squat
B) Tempo Front Squat
4 sets of 4 reps front squat with 4 sec down and 2 sec in the bottom position
Rest 90 sec between sets
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for all 4 sets. RIR 2-3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2-3 more reps before failure).
15 HR. Push Ups
15 meter Double KB Overhead walk @2x12/20 Intermediate: @2x16/24 RX: @2x20/28
25 KB Swings @12/20 Intermediate: @16/24 RX: @20/28
300/400 meter row
3 sets of max reps bulgarian split squats to each leg
Comment: Do all three sets on one leg without a break. Start with a heavy weight where you can perform around 8 repetitions. The weight is then replaced with a lighter weight and you go directly to max repetitions with this weight. If possible, this weight is replaced once again with a lighter one, otherwise the last set is performed without weight. Then repeat on the other leg. Performed only once on each leg.
4 sets of max reps hammer curls (2 DB’s at the same time)
Comment: Same procedure as before but this time do 4 sets and with both arms at the same time. Start with a weight where you can perform around 8 reps. Then take a lighter weight and do max reps and drop in weight + max reps two more times.
Comment: Build up in weight over the EMOM