Today's program for your training

Week 5 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

3 Rounds - with empty BB

8+8 x Single leg deadlift 
6 x Muscle clean
6 x Thrusters

A) Squat clean

E2MOM 12

3 x Tempo squat clean (3 sec from floor to hip) 

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets. Keep a 3 sec tempo from the floor to the hip. Focus on good technique rather than heavy weight.

4 sets of 10 reps of Romanian Deadlift

Rest 1-2 min between sets

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for the 4 sets. RIR 3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 reps more.

C) Handstand push up

Find your maximum distance to the floor where you can do 2 reps of kipping Handstand push ups.

Comment: Try to get as close to level as possible. If you are able to do 2 reps at level, then do deficit HSPU by adding plates under your hands.

Then make it a bit easier with one (or two) more Ab-mats under your head and do:


Max reps kipping Handstand push ups



12 KB Thrusters @12/20 Intermediate: @16/24
12 cal Row
20 Single unders/Double unders
20 Double unders/Single crossovers
2 Rope pulls/2 Rope climbs
12 Burpee over rower

Comment: If you are unable to do Double unders/Single crossovers then do 40 Single unders instead. Go as high up in the rope as possible.

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