Today's program for your training
10 x Elbow rotations
10 x Torso twist
10 x Tempo Deadlift (3 sec down)
5 x Hip power clean
5 x Hang power clean
5 x Front squat
5 x Tempo Strict press (3 sec down)
3 x Push press
3 x Push jerk (1 sec pause in catch)
a) Clean & Jerk (BIG clean complex)
4 sets of:
-High hang squat clean
-Hang squat clean
-Squat clean
-Push press
-High hang squat clean
-Hang squat clean
-Squat clean
-Push jerk
-High hang squat clean
-Hang squat clean
-Squat clean
-Split jerk
Rest as needed
b) Strict Handstand push up
Two versions depending on your level. Then an EMOM for everyone.
Version 1
4 sets of: 5-10 Pike Handstand push up / 2-5 Strict Handstand push up
Rest as needed between sets
Comment: Try challenging yourself by doing Strict HSPU with ab mat(s) under your head. If possible do the Strict HSPU on level.
Version 2 (RX)
4 sets of: 3-8 reps Wall facing Handstand push up
Rest as needed between sets
1: 8-10 x Double DB Z press
2: 20-30 sec Handstand hold (wall facing)
3: 30-40 sec Hollow hold
c) WOD
6 rounds - For time
9/12 cal Row
9 Push ups
9 DB snatch @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @15/22,5 RX: @17,5/25
9 Burpees over DB
9 Ring rows/Pull ups
9 Sit-ups/Atomic sit ups/V-ups
9 DB squats
TC: 23
Comment: 1 set consists of all 12 reps. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 4 sets. You can’t drop the weight between reps. Must be touch and go.