Today's program for your training

Uge 5 Træning 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds

5 x Scapula pull ups 
5 x Walkouts
5 x Jefferson curl w. KB (light weight)

A) Pull ups

4 sets of: 8-6-6-4 reps Pull ups

Rest 1-2 min between sets

Comment: Use a band if you are challenged. If you are not challenged enough then add weight and try to increase the weight when reps get fewer.

B) Deadlift

4 sets of 3 reps Deadlift with pause

(pause for 3 sec at your shins, then 3 sec just below your knees and then 3 sec in your hip)

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for the 4 sets. RIR 3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 more reps before failure).

c) WOD


200 m Run
15 Double KB deadlift @2x8/16 Intermediate: @2x12/20 RX: @2x16/24
200 m Run
12 Double KB OH lunges
200 m Run
9 Double KB Shoulder to overhead

Comment: If your mobility does not allow Double KB overhead lunges then do front rack lunges instead.

d) Pump Work

21’s biceps curls - 3 rounds

7 bottom half biceps curls (bottom to 90 degrees angle)
7 top half biceps curls (90 degrees angle to top)
7 full biceps curls (bottom to top)

Comment: Do all 21 reps without rest and then rest as needed before the next round. Do it either with DB’s or a barbell but use the same weight for all 3 parts.

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