Today's program for your training
10 x Elbow rotations
10 x Torso twist
10 x Tempo Deadlift (3 sec down)
5 x Hip power clean
5 x Hang power clean
5 x Front squat
5 x Tempo Strict press (3 sec down)
3 x Push press
3 x Push jerk (1 sec pause in catch)
a) Clean & Jerk
6 sets of: 2 x Power Cleans + 1 x Push Press + 1 x Split Jerk
Rest as needed
Then with the same weight
1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat
b) Pistol squats
2-3 rounds
10-30 sec hold in the bottom of a pistol squat (each leg)
10 x Pistol squat hold with leg exchange
6+6 Banded pistol squats /Pistol squats
Rest as needed
1-3+1-3 Tempo pistol squats on a box (4 sec down)
Comment: Perform 1-3 reps on each leg every min. Go 4 sec down on each rep. If possible do a pistol squat back up, otherwise step back on the box. Focus on the slow phase down.
c) WOD
1 min on / 1 min off until 60 deadlift is completed
6/10 / Intermediate: 8/12 / RX: 10/14 Cal ski
Max reps deadlift the rest of the minute
Deadlift: @35/50 Intermediate: @45/60 RX: @60/80
Continue until 60 reps of deadlift
Rest 3 min
1 min on / 1 min off until 100 Air squats is completed
8/12 / Intermediate: 10/14 / RX: 12/16 cal bike
Max reps Air squats the rest of the minute
Continue until 100 reps of Air squats
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets. You can drop the weight between reps.