Who are we?
MuscleFit Program is a fitness plan created by experienced coaches with science and health backgrounds. It focuses on strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning, offering personalized coaching and progress tracking through an app. Suitable for all levels.

Warm up

2 rounds

5 x Scapula pull ups 
5 x Walkouts
5 x Jefferson curl w. KB (light weight)

A) Pull ups

4 sets of 8 reps pull ups

Rest 1-2 min between sets.

Comment: Use a band if you are challenged. If you are not challenged enough then add weight.

B) Deadlift

6 sets of 3 reps Deadlift

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Do some warm up sets before the 6 sets and find a weight with RIR 2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).

c) WOD

For time: 10-1 reps

Cal Assault bike
Shuttle runs
KB Clean & Jerk @12/16 Intermediate: @20/24 RX: @24/32

TC: 18

Comment: 1 shuttle run = 2 x 7,5 m. Touch the ground at every turn.
Do 10 reps of each exercise, then 9, 8,7.... And all the way down to 1 rep. 

d) Pump Work

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