Today's program for your training

Week 3 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds
With a band

10 x Pull aparts
10 x Monster walk (forward)
10 x Monster walk (backwards)

A) Back squat

Build to a heavy 3 reps of Back squat

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached a heavy 3 rep. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more reps before failure).

With the same weight do 3 sets of 1 rep back squat

Rest 1-2 min between sets.

Comment: focus to stand up as fast as possible.

B) Chest supported row & Front foot elevated split squats

3 sets of 8 reps

3 sets of 8 reps on each leg

Rest 1 min between sets.

Comment: For the Horizontal chest supported row, place a bench on top of two boxes.

c) WOD

For time

30 Ring rows/Pull ups/Chest to bar
50 DB squats @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @15/22,5 RX: @17,5/25
70 DB snatch @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @15/22,5 RX: @17,5/25
200 Single unders/100 double unders

On the minut: 3 burpees over DB (start at 00.00)

TC: 15

D) Accessory

3 rounds

10-20 sec Copenhagen plank 
15 meter Mixed KB front rack + OH walk (Left)
15 meter Mixed KB front rack + OH walk (Right)

Rest as needed

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