Today's program for your training
10 x Goodmornings to squat (with a stick)
10 x Squatting internal rotation
10 x Pull aparts
10 x Monster walk (forward)
10 x Monster walk (backwards)
Rest as needed
1: 8 Back squats (with 60-70% of the weight from before)
2: 4-8 Seated box jumps
B1: One arm DB row w. tempo (3 sec down)
3 sets of 6 reps (each arm)
B2: Floor press
3 sets of 6 reps
Rest 1-2 min between sets
c) WOD - Open 18.1
8 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
10 DB hang clean and jerks @10/15 RX: @15/22,5
14/12 cal row
3 rounds
8-12 x Plank crunches in rings
30-60 sec Ring plank hold (feet in rings)
Rest 1 min between rounds
Comment: Do both exercises without rest in between and then rest 1 min before the next round.
Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached a heavy 4 rep. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more reps before failure).