Today's program for your training

Uge 5 Træning 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds with an empty barbell

5 x Jefferson curls
5 x Torso twist
8 x Front rack lunges
5 x Deadlift

A) Deadlift

4 sets: 12-10-8-8 reps

1-2 min rest between sets

Comment: Build up in weight when the reps get fewer. RIR 3 in all sets. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 more reps before failure).


3 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 12 reps

1 min rest between sets

Comment: Do both exercises before resting. If you don't have an adjustable bench, then put plates under one side of the bench instead.

c) WOD - Open 16.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thrusters @20/30 RX: 30/43

Comment: No timecap in this Open workout. Just be fast.

D) Accessory

2-3 rounds

12 x Barbell side bend
30-60 sec weighted plank

1 min rest between rounds

Comment: Use a plate on your back for the weighted plank.

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