Today's program for your training

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Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

8 x Bear rolls
8+8 x Bottom up KB press
8+8 x One leg KB deadlift
8+8 x One arm KB overhead lunges (8 lunges for each arm)

2 rounds with an empty barbell

5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch (from hang)
5 x OH squat
5 x Snatch grip press behind neck

A) Snatch

6 sets of 3 squat snatch

1-2 min rest between sets

Comment: Use the first sets as a warm up and build up in weight over the sets. You can drop the weight between reps.

Then with the weight you end up with:


1 squat snatch with 3 sec pause at the catch

Comment: Pause 3 sec at the bottom of the squat

B) Ring dips

3 sets of 6 reps ring dips

90 sec rest between sets

Comment: Do either banded, body weight or add extra weight if you are not challenged.


3 sets of: 10-20 sec at the top of the ring dip + 10-20 sec at the bottom of the ring dip

1 min rest between sets

Comment: Do both exercises and then rest.



15 Wall balls 14/20 lbs.
15 Overhead lunges w. wall ball
15 Ab-mat sit up w. wall ball
15 Down up on wall ball + ground to overhead

Comment: Down up on wall ball + ground to overhead= first do a down up by jumping down to a plank with your hands on the wall ball. Then jump back up and do a ground to overhead with the wall ball.


3 rounds:

10 Atomic sit ups / V-ups
10 Sit ups / Atomic sit ups
10-20 sek. Hollow hold

1 min rest between rounds 

Comment: Do all 3 exercises without rest and then rest 1 min afterward.

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