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MuscleFit Program is a fitness plan created by experienced coaches with science and health backgrounds. It focuses on strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning, offering personalized coaching and progress tracking through an app. Suitable for all levels.


Today's program for your training

Uge 2 Træning 2

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

8 x Bear rolls
8+8 x Bottom up KB press
8+8 x One leg KB deadlift
8+8 x One arm KB overhead lunges (8 lunges for each arm)

2 rounds with an empty barbell

5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch (from hang)
5 x OH squat
5 x Snatch grip press behind neck

A) Snatch

6 sets of 3 squat snatch

1-2 min rest between sets

Comment: Use the first sets as a warm up and build up in weight over the sets. You can drop the weight between reps.

Then with the weight you end up with:


1 squat snatch with 3 sec pause at the catch

Comment: Pause 3 sec at the bottom of the squat

B) Ring dips

3 sets of 6 reps ring dips

90 sec rest between sets

Comment: Do either banded, body weight or add extra weight if you are not challenged.


3 sets of: 10-20 sec at the top of the ring dip + 10-20 sec at the bottom of the ring dip

1 min rest between sets

Comment: Do both exercises and then rest.



15 Wall balls 14/20 lbs.
15 Overhead lunges w. wall ball
15 Ab-mat sit up w. wall ball
15 Down up on wall ball + ground to overhead

Comment: Down up on wall ball + ground to overhead= first do a down up by jumping down to a plank with your hands on the wall ball. Then jump back up and do a ground to overhead with the wall ball.


3 rounds:

10 Atomic sit ups / V-ups
10 Sit ups / Atomic sit ups
10-20 sek. Hollow hold

1 min rest between rounds 

Comment: Do all 3 exercises without rest and then rest 1 min afterward.

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