Today's program for your training
10 x Dislocations
8 x Cat & cow
8 x Horizontal press w. band
8 x Banded overhead press
8 + 8 x Kettlebell Halo
8 x Jefferson curl
Rest as needed
4 sets: 8-6-6-4 reps Romanian deadlift
Ring push ups/Banded ring dips/ring dips
GHD sit ups
Variation of pistols squat/pistol squat
* 2 rope pulls/rope climbs after each round
Comment: Variation of pistol squat: Band assisted or on a bench
8 x Double DB curls
8 x Double DB hammer curls
1 min rest
Comment: Do both exercises before resting 1 min.
Comment: Add more weight every set. RIR 1-2 in all sets. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 1-2 more reps before failure).