Today's program for your training
1: 40-50 sec Prone press & pull
2: 30 sec Pigeon stretch (each leg)
3: 40-50 sec Shinbox twists
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Muscle snatch (from floor)
5 x Power snatch
5 x OH squat
5 sets: 1 x squat snatch (from blocks) + 1 x hang power snatch
2 min rest between sets
B) Overhead squat
6 sets of 4 reps
Comment: Don’t do a snatch, use blocks or a rack. Do a press from the neck with snatch grip. RIR 1-2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 1-2 more reps before failure).
1: 10-18 cal Assault bike
2: AMRAP Rope pulls/rope climbs
2 min rest
1: 10-18 cal Roning
2: AMRAP Wall walks/handstand walk
D) Accessory
2-3 rounds
12 Seated Calf raises
10 Leg curls in rings
10 Ring crunch
Rest as needed
Comment: The weight can’t be dropped between reps. Use blocks, plates or drop pads. The barbell must be at knee level.