Today's program for your training
10 x Dislocations
10 x Goodmornings into squat
8 x Cat & cow
8 x Alternating squat thoracic rotation
10 x Horizontal press w. band
10 x Pull aparts w. band
5 x Deadlift
5 x Muscle cleans from hip (high elbows)
5 x Power cleans
5 x Squat cleans
A) Squat clean
Build to a heavy set of 3 reps of squat clean
Rest as needed
1-2 min rest between sets.
B1: DB Bench press
4 sets of 4 reps
B2: Double DB bent over row
4 sets of AMRAP (same weight used for bench press)
1-2 min rest between sets
Afterward: 2 sets of 8 reps DB bench press
1 min rest between sets
Comment: Do a few warm up sets before you start. Use the same weight in bench press as in bent over row and do as many reps as possible.
Afterward you do 2 sets of 8 reps bench press with a lighter weight
16/20 cal standing bike
Scaled: 4, Intermediate: 6, RX: 8 Parallette facing burpees
2 Wall walks
Comment: Start every 3 min and do all 3 exercises. Parallette facing burpees are either 4, 6 or 8 reps depending on your level
Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached a heavy 3 reps. The weight can be dropped between reps, but make sure you go straight to the next rep without a break. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more reps before failure).
The weight you end up with is used in the next part.