Today's program for your training
10 x Shoulder rotations/dislocations
10 x Goodmornings
10 x Overhead squats
5 x Snatch
5 x Snatch dødløft
5 x Muscle snatch from hang
5 x Overhead squat
5 x Behind the neck press with snatch grip
Rest as needed
B1: Deficit deadlift
4 sets of: 6 reps
Rest 60 sec
B2: Gorilla Row
4 sets of: 10 reps (total)
90 sek. rest between the sets.
75 Wallballs @14/20 lbs
EMOM: 5 KB swings @12/20 Intermediate: @16/24 RX: @20/28
2 min rest
50 KB Clean & Jerk @12/20 Intermediate: @16/24 RX: @20/28
EMOM: 5 Box jump overs