Today's program for your training

Week 4 Training 1

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 Rounds - with empty BB

5 x BB jefferson curl
5 x BB Goodmornings
10 x Back rack Elbow rotations 

2 Rounds - with empty BB

5 x Deadlift
5 x Muscle clean from hip
5 x Power clean w. 3 sec pause in catch
5 x Front squat
5 x Strict press
5 x Power jerk w. 3 sec pause in dip and catch

A) Clean & Jerk

Build to a heavy 1 rep of Clean & Jerk

Rest as needed

Comment: Build up over 5-7 sets until you have reached a heavy 1 rep. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).
You decide how to do your Clean & Jerk (power, squat, split).

Use 65-70 % of the weight

3 sets of: 4 x TNG Clean & Jerk

Rest 1-2 min between sets

b) Rope climb

2 rounds of:

3 x Rope handless hold
3 x Jump + first foot placement 
1 x Rope climbs (get as high up as possible)

Rest as needed

Comment: Rope handless hold=Do a footlock that is good enough to let go of the rope with your hands.
Jump + first foot placement=Jump high and do your first foot placement/footlock. Then go down again.

2 rounds of:

2 x Rope climb
10/12 cal Assault bike (moderate pace)
1 x Rope climb
10/12 cal Assault bike (moderate pace)
2 x Rope climb

Rest 2 min and repeat

Comment: Get as high up in the rope as possible

c) WOD


1: 10 m Double KB front rack walking lunges @2x8/12 Intermediate: @2x12/16
2: 15 sec Assault bike sprint
3: 13 Double KB Jerks
4: 70 Single unders/40 Double unders
5: Rest

Comment: Start the AMRAP with DB snatch + burpees

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