Today's program for your training
10 x 90 degree external rotation
10 x Cobra to downward dog
20 sec. Shoulder stretch in rings
10 x Scapula pull ups
5 x Snatch Deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch (from hang)
5 x OH squat
5 x Snatch Balance
A) Snatch complex
E2MOM 12
1 x Snatch Pull + 1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Low Hang Squat Snatch
b) Gorilla Row
4 sets of 16 reps Gorilla rows
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then the 4 sets with the same weight.
c) WOD
2 Rounds
6 Hang Power Clean @25/35 Intermediate: @35/50
12 V-ups
3 Wall walks
Rest 2 min
6 Bench Press @25/35 Intermediate: @35/50
12 Box Jump overs
Rest 2 min and repeat
Comment: Low Hang = Below Knees. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the EMOM.