Today's program for your training
1: 50 sec Banded Pulldown
2: 50 sec OH squat bodyweight
3: 50 sec 90 degree external rotation
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Muscle snatch
5 x Snatch balance
5 x Power snatch
5 x OH squats
A) Deadlift
6 sets of 3 reps Deadlift with reset
Rest 2-3 min
b) Handstand walk
3 rounds
10 x Overhead plate shrugs
6-10 x (Deficit) Pike handstand push ups
40-60 sec Hollow hold
5-10 m Handstand walk
Rest as needed
Comment: If you are not able to do Pike handstand push ups from deficit, then do it on the floor or with an AB-mat under your head.
c) WOD
E5MOM x 4
12 Power cleans @30/45 Intermediate: @35/50
2 Wall walks/7,5 m Handstand walk
12 Back Rack Reverse lunges
10 Shuttle runs
d) Pump Work
3 rounds
12 DB Skull crushers
20 Banded Triceps extensions
Rest 1 min
Comment: Go directly from Skull crushers to Triceps extension and then rest 1 min.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for the 6 sets. RIR 1-2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 1-2 more reps before failure).