Today's program for your training

Week 1 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up


1: 45 sec Cat & cow
2: 45 sec Cossack squat 
3: 45 sec KB Halo 
4: 45 sec 1 Walkouts + 2 push ups

5 sets 6 reps floating Deadlift

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Stand on a plate. The barbell must not touch the ground between reps. Do some warm up sets and then the 5 sets with RIR 2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).

b) Handstand Walk

3 Rounds

3 x Kick ups against wall or freestanding (controlled kick up and try to stand still)
Rest as needed
8-10 x Handstand step ups to a plate 
2-4 Handstand walk to wall / 5-10 m Handstand walk

3 Rounds

30 sec Hollow hold
30 sec Arch hold
2-4 x Wall Walks w. 5 steps to the side

Rest as needed

Comment: Wall walk w. steps = Do a wall walk and then go 5 steps wall facing to one side. Go down to the ground and then in the next wall walk you go to the other side.

C) wod


1: 10/12 cal Ski
2: 60 Single unders/40 Double Unders
3: 12 Wall Balls @14/20 lbs

d) Accessory

3 sets of

12 x Banded face pulls
12 x Banded straight arm pull down
8-10 Strict Leg raises/Strict Toes to bar

Rest as needed

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