Today's program for your training

Week 1 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Today you are going to start with today's workout. 
You can do the Clean & Jerk warm up after the workout.

Warm up


1: 45 sec x Dislocations with stick
2: 45 sec x The Knight to hamstring stretch (left leg)
3: 45 sec x The Knight to hamstring stretch (right leg)
4: 45 sec x Dynamic Blackburn 
5: 30 sec x Split jerk strict press 

3 Rounds - with empty BB

10 x Elbow rotations 
5 x Push jerk
5 x Split jerk
5 x Front squat


90 sec on/30 sec off x 4

250 m run
ME KB swing @12/20 Intermediate: @16/24

Rest 3 min

90 sec on/30 sec off x 4

200 m ski erg
ME Thrusters @25/35 Intermediate: @30/45

b) Jerk complex

E2MOM 10

1 x Push press + 2 x TNG Power jerk + 1 x Split jerk

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight in the first 3 sets and use the same weight in the last 2 sets.

5 sets of: 8-6-4-6-8 reps Bent over row

Rest as needed

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then increase the weight when reps get fewer and drop in weight when reps increase.

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