Today's program for your training
8 x Squat to stand
8 x Cat & cow
8 x Active hinge
10 x Banded pull aparts
10 x Banded Thrusters
10 x Scapula pull ups
10 x Pike push ups
10 x Alternating lunges
10 x Jumping squats
A) Back Squat
3 sets of 5 reps of Back Squat
Rest as needed
With the same weight do
3 sets of: 4-3-2 reps Back Squat
Rest 1 min between sets
b) Handstand Walk
2 Rounds
10 x Handstand step ups to a plate
10 x Shoulder tabs against wall
3 x Kick ups against wall or freestanding (controlled kick up and try to stand still)
Rest as needed
Then use 10 min to practice Handstand walk
4 sets of 5 reps Pull ups
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: Use a band if you are challenged or do it weighted if possible.
15 meter Farmer walk, @2x16/24 Intermediate: @2x20/28
12 KB Swings @16/24 Intermediate: @20/28
12 Hand Release Push ups
12 Wall Balls @14/20 lbs
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for the 3 sets. RIR 1-2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 1-2 more reps before failure).