Today's program for your training

Week 3 Training 4

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up


1: 8/10 cal row
2: 8 x Scapula push ups + 8 x Pike HSPU on floor 
3: 6 x Burpee broad jump 
4: 12 x Squat to stand 

Workout of the week can be done as a teamWOD or individually. You decide.

TeamWOD - In teams of 2

E6MOM x 4

18 Partner Deadlift @80/120 Intermediate: @110/160 RX: @140/200 
10 sync. Pull ups/10 sync Chest to bar/4 sync Bar muscle ups
18 Burpee box jump overs (split anyhow)
10 sync. Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
60 Double unders/Single crossovers (both)

Rest 1 min

12 Rounds (you go, I go)

5 Shuttle runs
10 Push ups

TC: 12

Comment: If you are man/woman together, then use: @100 Intermediate: @135 RX: 170. Put some extra weight at one side of the BB, where the man is lifting.

Individual WOD

E5MOM x 4

18 Deadlift @40/60 Intermediate: @55/80 RX: @70/100
10 Pull ups/10 Chest to bar/4 Bar muscle ups
9 Burpee box jump overs
10 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
60 Double unders/Single crossovers

Rest 2 min 

6 Rounds 

5 Shuttle runs
10 Push ups

TC: 8
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