Today's program for your training

Week 3 Training 2

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 Rounds

12 x Banded Good mornings
12 x Banded Pull aparts
12 x Banded Thrusters

2 rounds with an empty barbell

5 x Clean deadlift
5 x Muscle clean
5 x Front squat
5 x Tempo power clean (3 sec to hips)
5 x Squat clean
5 x Strict press

A) Hang Power Clean

E2MOM 10

3 x hang power clean

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 5 sets.

B) Split jerk

5 sets of 2 reps Split jerk

Rest as needed

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 5 sets.



9 Burpee (banded) Pull ups
3 Wall walks
10 m Walking lunges w. KB in farmer hold @2x12/16 Intermediate: @2x16/24

d) Pump Work

2 rounds

20 x Double DB strict press (light weight)
15 x Lateral Fly 

Rest 1-2 min between rounds

Comment: You should be able to do 20 x Strict press unbroken and then 15 x lateral fly unbroken. Use DB's or plates for Lateral fly.

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