Who are we?
MuscleFit Program is a fitness plan created by experienced coaches with science and health backgrounds. It focuses on strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning, offering personalized coaching and progress tracking through an app. Suitable for all levels.


Today's program for your training

Week 4 Training 2

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 Round - with a stick

10 x Dislocations
10 x Sotts press
10 x Overhead squat

3 Rounds - with empty BB

5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Hip Power snatch
5 x Overhead squat

A) Snatch

6 sets of: 1 x Snatch deadlift + 1 x Power snatch

Rest 2 min between sets.

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets.

With this weight do

4 sets of: 4-3-2-1 reps Snatch pull

Rest 30 sec between sets

B) Rope Climb


1-3 Rope climbs

Comment: aim to work for about 40 sec. Get as high up in the rope as possible. 

c) WOD - For time

4 rounds of: 3 min on/2 min off

12/16 Cal Assault bike
12 DB Strict press
ME Ring rows/Pull ups

Comment: Use a weight for the DB strict press that you can do unbroken at least in the first couple of rounds.

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