Today's program for your training
5 x Hindu stretch
20 sec. Shoulder stretch in rings
8 x Scapula Pull ups
6 x Snatch deadlift
6 x Muscle snatch (from hang)
6 x OH squat
6 x Sotts press (light barbell)
E2MOM 12
2 x Squat Snatch from block + 1 x Overhead squat
B) Ring rows & Press
B1: Ring rows / Elevated Ring rows
4 sets of 10 reps Ring rows
B2: Strict Press & Push Press
4 sets of 3 x Strict press + 3 x Push press
Rest 2 min between sets.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then the 4 sets with RIR 3 on strict press. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 more reps before failure).
1: 16-18 Wall balls @14/20 lbs
2: 10-12 DB Squat snatch @10/15 intermediate: @15/22,5
3: 10-12 DB facing burpees
4: 8-16 Cal Assault bike
5: Rest
Comment: Try to go as deep as possible in DB squat snatch. If not possible do regular DB snatch.
2-3 Rounds
10-20 sec Copenhagen plank on each side
10 x GHD sit ups
10 x GHD back extension
Rest as needed
Comment: Add weight to GHD sit ups and Back extensions if necessary.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and try to build up in weight over the EMOM. Use blocks, pads or plates so that the barbell is at knee level.