Today's program for your training
5 x Hindu stretch
20 sec. Shoulder stretch in rings
8 x Scapula Pull ups
6 x Snatch deadlift
6 x Muscle snatch (from hang)
6 x OH squat
6 x Sotts press (light barbell)
6 sets of: 1 x Snatch deadlift + 1 x Squat snatch + 1 x Hang squat snatch + 1 x OH squat
Rest 2 min between sets
B) Gorilla row & Arnold press
B1: Gorilla row w. tempo (3 sec down)
4 sets of 12 reps (total)
B2: Double DB seated arnold press w. tempo (3 sec down)
4 sets of 8 reps
Rest 1-2 min between sets
For time (accumulate following exercises)
300 Single unders/200 Double unders
150 Air squats
80 Push ups
30 Pull ups/20 Chest to bar
TC: 17
Comment: Divide the repetitions as you like. Use a band if you are challenged.
2-3 Rounds
20 x Walking plank over plate
20-40 sec Deadhang
Rest as needed
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets.