Today's program for your training
10 x supine scorpion
3 x Walkout
15+15 sec Lunges stretch
8+8 x One arm KB front rack lunges (8 lunges for each arm)
8 x Russian KB Swings (light KB)
5 x Torso twist
6 x Deadlift
6 x Front squats
6 x Back squats
A) Front Squat
4 sets of 6 reps Front squats
Rest as needed.
With 80-90 % of the weight
3 sets of 1 rep Front squat w. 8-10 sec pause in bottom position
Rest 2 min between sets
b) Pull up
2-3 rounds
8 x Kip swings
8 x Single leg box assisted kipping pull up
4 x 1-3 (banded) Kipping pull up with pause (2 sec at the top)
Rest as needed between
Comment: Remember to push yourself actively back into a hollow.
2 Kip swings + 2-5 pull ups
Comment: Use a band if you are challenged.
Buy in: 40/50 Cal Assault bike
12 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: @40/60
4 Wall Walks
16 DB Hang Clean & Jerk @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: @15/22,5
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then try to go heavy on all 4 sets. RIR 2-3 on front squats. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2-3 more reps before failure).