Today's program for your training
8 x Squat to stand
8 x Cossack squat
4 x Walkout with 4 x scapula push ups
10 x Barbell front rack Elbow rotation
5 x Deadlift
5 x Muscle clean (barbell close to the body)
5 x Front squats
5 x Shoulder press
A) Clean Complex
6 sets of
1 x Power Clean + 1 x Squat clean w. 3 sec in bottom of squat + 1 x Front squat
Rest 1-2 min between sets
4 sets of 6 reps one and a half back squat
Rest 1-2 min between sets.
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then do the 4 sets with RIR 3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 more reps before failure).
16 Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
20 DB hang clean and jerks @12,5/17,5 Intermediate: 15/22,5 RX: @17,5/25
22/28 cal row
1: 5-10 Strict toes to rings
2: 30-45 sec arch hold
Comment: Get your feet as high as possible in the Strict toes to rings
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets. You can drop the weight between reps. Focus on good technique rather than heavy weights.