Today's program for your training

Week 4 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds

2 rounds:
10 x Dislocations with a stick
6 x Pike push ups (on floor) 
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks 
3 x Walkout with 4 x shoulder taps
10-12 x Scapula Pull ups 

A) Kipping Handstand Push ups

Two versions depending on level

Version 1:  2-3 Rounds

5 x Kick ups (against wall) 
3-5 Negative handstand push ups (3 sec down)
3-5 Kipping handstand push ups

Rest as needed between rounds

Comment: Kick ups: Try to do the kick ups against the wall as lightly as possible.
Negative HSPU: Kick up against wall and go 3 sec down.
Kipping handstand push ups: Build up with plates and ab-mats so it is possible for you to do 3-5 reps. Try to challenge yourself with the amount of ab-mats/plates (less=more difficult). If you are challenged then give it a try.

Version 2 (RX): 2-3 Rounds

5 x Kick ups to parallettes (against wall)
3-5 x Negative (go only down) HSPU on parallettes (4 sec down) 
3-5 x Kipping handstand push ups on parallettes

Rest as needed between rounds

Comment: Use ab-mats so it enables you to complete the drills.

B) Gorilla row & Banded straight arm pull down

3 sets of 10 reps (total)

3 sets of 12 reps

1-2 min rest between sets.

c) WOD

For time

200 m run
16 Snatch @25/40 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
200 m run
12 Snatch
200 m run
8 Snatch
200 m run
4 Snatch
200 m run

Rest 3 min

200/300 m row
16 Clean @25/40 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
200/300 m row
12 Clean
200/300 m row
8 Clean
200/300 m row
4 Clean
200/300 m row

TC: 27

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