Today's program for your training
10 x Cat and Cow
10 x Alternating squat thoracic rotation
2 x Burpees
4 x Ground to overhead with Wall ball
6 x Easy ring rows
8 x Lunges with Wall ball
30 Sync. Air squats
19 Sync. Hang power clean @25/35 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
7 Ring rows/S. Pull up (both partners, not sync.)
400 m run (both partners)
5 Wall balls
1 Power clean @35/50 Intermediate: @50/70 RX: @60/85
30 Air squats
19 Hang power clean @25/35 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
7 Ring rows/S. Pull up
400 m run
5 Wall balls
1 Power clean @35/50 Intermediate: @50/70 RX: @60/85
Comment: For the second part: If you know your max Power clean, then use 85 % of your max. If you don't, then just choose a heavy weight.
Comment: For the second part: If you know your max Power clean, then use 85 % of your max. If you don't, then just choose a heavy weight.