Today's program for your training
6 x Pike push ups (on floor)
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks
10-12 x Scapula Pull ups
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Muscle snatch (from floor)
5 x Power snatch
5 x Overhead squat
4 sets: reps of: 1 x Power snatch + 1 x Squat snatch
Rest 30 sec between
Rest 2 min between sets
B) Chin ups
B1: Chin ups
4 sets: 8-6-4-2 reps
B2: BB Bench press
4 sets: 8-6-4-2 reps
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: For the Chin ups, use a band if you are challenged. If you are not challenged enough then add weight and try to increase the weight when reps get fewer.
For the Bench press, do some warm up sets. Increase the weight when reps get fewer. RIR 2 in all sets of Bench press. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).
Two versions depending on level
Version 1: 2-3 Rounds
5 x Kick ups (against wall)
3-5 Negative handstand push ups (3 sec down)
3-5 Kipping handstand push ups
Rest as needed between rounds
Comment: Kick ups: Try to do the kick ups against the wall as lightly as possible.
Negative HSPU: Kick up against wall and go 3 sec down.
Kipping handstand push ups: Build up with plates and ab-mats so it is possible for you to do 3-5 reps. Try to challenge yourself with the amount of ab-mats/plates (less=more difficult). If you are challenged then give it a try.
Version 2: 2-3 Rounds
5 x Kick ups to parallettes (against wall)
3-5 x Negative (go only down) HSPU on parallettes (4 sec down)
3-5 x Kipping handstand push ups on parallettes
Rest as needed between rounds
Comment: Use ab-mats so it enables you to complete the drills
1: 6-10 Double DB Devils press @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x12,5/20 RX: @2x15/22,5
2: 20 Double DB Front squat
3: 12-15 Hand release push ups/10-12 HSPU
4: 10-20 cal Machine (row if possible)
5: Rest
Comment: 1 set= Do the 2 reps (1 x Power snatch + 1 x squat snatch) then rest for 30 sec. Continue 4 times and afterward rest for 2 min. Repeat this in 4 sets.
Do some warm up sets. Begin heavy and try to build more weight every set.