Today's program for your training

Week 2 Training 1

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds with a stick:

10 x Dislocations
10 x Goodmornings
10 x Overhead squats


5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch from hang 
5 x Overhead squat
5 x Press from neck with snatch grip

A) Squat Snatch

Build to a heavy 3 rep of Squat snatch

Rest as needed.

Comment: Build up over 4-6 sets until you have reached a heavy 3 rep. You can drop the weight between reps. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).

Then with the same weight


1 x Squat snatch

B) Deadlift  

5 sets of 4 reps Tempo Deadlift with reset (4 sec down)

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Reset= Bring the barbell to a complete stop between reps and regain your tension.
Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for the 5 sets. RIR 2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).

C) Double unders & Crossovers

Two versions depending on level
Version 1: (double unders): 
Use 5-10 min on the following exercises
  • Single unders with high jumps
  • Penguin jumps with double tap
  • Single unders/Double unders with something under your armpit to keep your elbows close to your body (use for example a t-shirt/band/knee bands)
Version 2: (RX - Crossovers):
Use 5-10 min on the following exercises

Comment: Do a big cross with the rope. You should feel like hugging yourself. This gives plenty of room for you to jump through. Use the same rhythm as with double unders.

d) WOD

E3MOM x 6

2 Wall walks
3 Double DB Power maker @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x15/22,5 RX: @2x17,5/25
50 Single unders/40 Double unders/20 Single Crossovers 

Total time: 18 min
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