Today's program for your training

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Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

AMRAP 5 - slow pace

2 x Burpees
4 x Ground to overhead with Wall ball
6 x Easy ring rows
8 x Lunges with Wall ball

Workout of the week can be done as a teamWOD or individually. You decide.

TeamWOD - "Team MURPH"

For time

1 mile run /1,6 km (both)
100 Ring rows/pullups
200 Variation of push ups /push ups
300 Air squats
1 mile run /1,6 km (both)

TC: 60 min

Comment: The exercises are divided as you like. Except for running, which you do together. Use a weight vest (@6/9) if you are RX. Find a variation of push ups you can do. Get inspiration from the link.

Individual WOD - "Half MURPH"

For time

1 mile run /1,6 km
50 Ring rows/pullups
100 Variation of push ups /push ups
150 Air squats
1 mile run /1,6 km

TC: 45 min

Comment: Use a weight vest (@6/9) if you are RX. Find a variation of push ups you can do. Get inspiration from the link.

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