Today's program for your training
6 x Pike push ups (on floor)
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks
10-12 x Scapula Pull ups
5 x Snatch pull
5 x Muscle snatch (from floor)
5 x Power snatch
5 x Overhead squat
1 x Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 x Hang Power Snatch
B) Ring rows / Elevated Ring rows & DB Reverse flyers
B1: Ring rows / Elevated Ring rows
4 sets of 8 reps
4 sets of 10 reps
Rest 2 min between sets
Comment: Challenge yourself and try to lean back as much as possible in the ring rows / get your feet up in elevated ring rows.
Two versions depending on level
Version 1: 2-3 Rounds
3 x Headstand w. tripod position
10-20 sec bottom position hold
3-5 x Negative kipping handstand push up (4 sec down)
Rest as needed
Comment: Headstand = Focus is to have your hands and head in a tripod position. Do it either against the wall or if possible do it free standing. Hold for a few sec.
Bottom position = Hold for 10-20 sec in the bottom position of your handstand push up against the wall. Focus is to bend your legs and your hip so your knees go down towards your elbows. Open up your hips and the bottom of your feet are pointing up.
Negative HSPU= Go 4 sec down and if possible then go up by doing a kipping HSPU. Use ab-mats as necessary.
Then use 5 min to practice kipping handstand push ups. Build up with ab-mats.
Version 2: 3 Rounds
3 x free headstand hold (Watch at 2.30)
4 x Negative kipping handstand push up
3-4 Kipping free handstand push up
Rest as needed between your attempts
Comment: Free headstand hold = Focus is to have your hands and head in a tripod position. Do it free standing. Hold for a few sec.
Negative HSPU= Go 4 sec down and then go up by doing a kipping HSPU. Focus is to bend your legs and your hip so your knees go down towards your elbows. Open up your hips and the bottom of your feets pointing up.
Free HSPU = If possible try to do some steps (HSW) before going to the headstand.
5 rounds for time
12 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
20 meter farmer walk @2x16/24 Intermediate: @2x24/32 RX: @2x28/40
7 KB Swings @16/24 Intermediate: @24/32 RX: @28/40
5 Burpees over KB
Rest 1 min between rounds
TC: 15
Comment: Build up in weight over the EMOM