Today's program for your training
8 x Supine scorpion
8 x Bear rolls
5 x Hindu stretch
6 Ring rows
6 Ground to overhead with wall ball
6 Squats with wall ball
6 Burpees
100 Single unders / 50 Double unders
20 HR push ups
30 Power cleans @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
40 Wall balls 14/20 lbs
50 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
Cal row + Farmer hold @2x16/24 Intermediate: @2x24/32 RX: @2x32/40
50 Single unders / 25 Double unders
10 HR push ups
15 Power cleans @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
20 Wall ball 14/20 lbs
25 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
Cal row
Meter Farmer walk @2x16/24 Intermediate: @2x24/32 RX: @2x32/40
Comment: Row and farmer walk after each round. Increase by 5 cal row and 5 meter farmer walk each round.
Comment: Row and farmer hold after each round. Increase by 10 cal row each round. You both work at the same time. One person rows while the other holds 2 KB in farmer's hold. No rowing without farmer’s hold.