Today's program for your training
5 x Shoulder rotations/dislocations with wooden stick
10 x Side rotation with wooden stick (Rotate upperbody from side to side)
5 x Jefferson curls
5 x Goodmorning with wooden stick
10 x Lunges
5 x Down ups
90 sek. rest between the sets
2 sec. pause in the dip + 2 sec. pause in the catch
90 sec. rest between sets
1: 10/15 cal row
2: AMRAP: 4 x Hang power clean + 4 x Shoulders to overhead @25/35 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
3: 24 alternating V-ups
4: AMRAP: 5 x Ring rows/Pull ups/Chest to bar + 5 x Pushups + 5 x Air squats