Today's program for your training
10 x Cat & cow
10 x Banded Goodmornings
10 x Banded face pulls
10 x Single arm banded upright row (each arm)
10 cal Assault bike (moderate pace)
8 Deadlift (light weight)
A) Pause Deadlift
4 sets of 6 reps Pause deadlift (2 sec at knee level)
Rest 2 min between sets
b) Pull ups
4 sets of: 6-4-2-2 reps Pull ups
Rest 2 min between sets
Comment: Use a band if needed.
c) WOD
22 alternating DB snatch @10/15 Intermediate: @12,5/17,5
12 A-jumps
Max reps Ring rows/Pull ups
Rest 1 min
16 OA DB thrusters
14 GHD sit ups
Max meter Wall walks/Handstand walk
Rest 1 min
16 OA DB OH squats
14 DB bench press @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x12,5/17,5
Max reps Knee raises/knees to elbows/Toes to bar
Rest 2 min and repeat
Comment: Do some warm up sets and then use the same weight for all 4 sets. RIR 3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 3 more reps before failure).